The Casey Guestbook

Quite a few people find their way to this web site because their name is Casey. Sometimes it’s their first name, other times their last. To all of you I would like to extend a warm welcome, and an invitation to leave a note here in the guestbook by adding a comment to this posting. Please include your name and location, so that all can see where our collected Caseys are coming from.

NOTE: Unfortunately I get an overwhelming amount of comment spam, and as a result all comments are held for approval until I can separate and approve the genuine from the unwanted. As a result, your comment won’t appear immediately, but will take days or weeks before I get around to reviewing it. But don’t let that discourage you, it’s great fun to hear from all of you Caseys out there.

NEW NOTE: Sorry, but the spammers win. I’ve disabled comments here in the guestbook. Cheers to all my fellow Casey’s out there. And piss off to all the shitbag spammers out there who spoil good things.

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