13 Miles an Hour

I live about 40 miles from my job in Washington, DC. Yahoo Maps says it should take me an hour and six minutes to get home from there, while Google Maps offers a more optimistic 49 minute prediction. I wish.

Reality today was three hours from door to door. We had plans for a night out in Alexandria tonight, but after that ordeal in my car, getting back in it and heading back towards the city is at the bottom of my list of things to do.

I’m fortunate to have the flexibility to work from home a few days a week (thank you Nathaniel). A few more commutes like the one I suffered this evening would be enough to push me right over the edge into some serious road rage.

(note: this is the first post in a new category, ‘rants’, my outlet for bitching, moaning and whining. Hopefully I won’t have to use it too often.)

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