Passed the Dem Test
Wow, I need to pay closer attention to my log files. I had noticed that I was getting a bunch of referrals coming from The Daily Kos, but hadn’t bothered to look into why. And a photo from my Flickr album of my daughter and I in the hot tub is my #1 most viewed picture among my Flickr photos, and again, I was unsure why. I guess I thought maybe lots of folks on Flickr searched the ‘hottub‘ tag looking for more attractive subjects. But no, that wasn’t it.
Tonight I finally stumbled across the answer. In the comment thread following a posting by Senator Kennedy on The Daily Kos, skeptics sought to determine the legitimacy of Kennedy’s campaign domain, did their online sleuthing, and shared their dossier on me in their comments. Happily, when Kos’ Commenters subjected me to their background check, I seem to have passed their Dem Cred test. Thank goodness for that. I wonder if any of them bought my book, or at least a t-shirt