Happy Election Day!
I’m not sure exactly when Election Day became one of my favorites on the calendar. Obviously, the fact that I work in politics has much to do with it. Election Day is the culmination of a candidate’s and a party’s efforts to make their case. It is the day when the voters make their choice. It’s what our Democracy is all about.
There is much that is wrong with Election Days in our country. The 2000 Election revealed the dirty secret that America’s elections aren’t as smooth running and legitimate as we’d like to believe. Negative campaigning, low voter turnouts, and lack of real choices are all problems with our system. But they can be fixed.
At the end of the day, the dust will settle and we’ll have some results. But first, go vote. Vote Democrat, Vote Republican, vote for the person rather than the party, vote however you choose, but just vote. It matters and it counts.