Blog Lull
Look at that calendar to the right, a 10-day lull in my blogging. What a letdown I must be to my reader in Singapore. And for this, I’m sorry. The thing is I’ve been crazy busy lately. All good stuff, kids are coming and going from school and events, and our color-coded family calendar looks like some kind of patchwork of events. Work is crazy busy, also all good. The alternative to ‘busy’ at work is never good. Happily I work for a fine company that recognizes the need for some distraction now and then, and I’ve recently made good use of it.
And so, from time to time, there is no time. And the time available for worthy ruminations on the important and the mundane shrinks. I’m always thinking of things worth writing about, “I need to blog about that” is a frequent thought bubble hovering over my head. Maybe the Thanksgiving holiday will provide the opportunity to recharge and get some of those ideas out of my head and make room for something new. Not a lot of room in there you know, I have to keep a high turnover rate if I hope to find a good idea in there.