Fat & Crazy

I’m soooo doomed. Yesterday’s Washington Post reported that men in their 40s who carry their extra weight on their abdomen are more prone to suffer dementia in their later years. Apparently, fat is nastier when it surrounds your other organs than when it’s just hanging from your legs and arms. Now I don’t consider myself particularly ‘fat’, but I was told by my doctor last week at my regular physical that I had 20 pounds to lose, and one look at me would make it obvious to anyone where I can find them. Right there on my belly. I still have skinny arms and legs, but my belly sticks out like I’m a pregnant man.

So what might motivate me to action, besides the threat of dementia? A bet of course! My neighbor and good friend, TJ, is in the same boat as me. He’s younger, and so got fat faster than me (jk tj!), but is essentially the same weight as me with the same target of slimming down to 180. We agreed to have our own mini Biggest Loser challenge, and the winner will enjoy a 90-minute massage purchased courtesy of the loser. I don’t know how I will do, but I predict a second place finish.

Stay tuned for news of progress, or failure. Who knows, the dementia may set in early and I’ll just type some gibberish, but that’s already my norm. At least I’m in good company.

Study Links Middle-Age Belly Fat to Dementia
The Washington Post, 3/27/08

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