Does America Care…

…that the President’s most senior advisors are responsible for blowing the cover of a CIA agent?

“As the CIA leak investigation heads toward its expected conclusion this month, it has become increasingly clear that two of the most powerful men in the Bush administration were more involved in the unmasking of operative Valerie Plame than the White House originally indicated.”

“In October 2003, White House spokesman Scott McClellan told reporters that he personally asked Libby and Rove whether they were involved, “so I could come back to you and say they were not involved.” Asked if that was a categorical denial of their involvement, he said, “That is correct.”

Role of Rove, Libby in CIA Leak Is Clearer
The Washington Post, 10/2/05

Any American who isn’t shocked by this has to look themselves in the mirror and admit they’ve drunk so deeply of the Bush kool-aid that they’re ready to scrap this democracy thing and appoint him our leader-for-life. Politics can be a dirty business, but these were the most senior White House aids blowing the cover of a CIA operative, and fellow American, for some petty political payback. What is the positive spin here? At best it’s un-American, at worst it’s criminal.

They’ll say they didn’t know. They’ll say they never said her name. They’ll squirm like the skillful snakes that they are. What will George do, fire them, or give them a medal?

Holy Ignorance

This morning’s Washington Post has an article titled “In Evolution Debate, Creationists Are Breaking New Ground” about a new $25 million ‘Creation Museum‘ that is being built near Cincinnati to promote the view of biblical creation of the Earth vs. Evolution.

Some tidbits…

“It holds that the world and the universe are but 6,000 years old and that baby dinosaurs rode in Noah’s ark.”

“But by any measure, Young Earth Creationism – which holds that the Bible is the literal word of God and that He created the universe in seven days – has a more powerful hold on the beliefs of Americans than evolutionary theory or intelligent design. That grip grows stronger by the year.

Polls taken last year showed that 45 percent of Americans believe that God created humans in their present form 10,000 years ago (or less) and that man shares no common ancestor with the ape. Only 26 percent believe in the central tenet of evolution, that all life descended from a single ancestor.

Another poll showed that 65 percent of Americans want creationism taught alongside evolution.”

“But often, scientists say, the creationist bottom line is a through-the-looking-glass version of science. The scientific method of theory, experiment and assumptions upended does not apply. Ask Ham if he could accept evidence that conflicts with his reading of Genesis – proof, say, that a fossil is more than 6,000 years old – and he shakes his head.”

“Ham is ambivalent on the question of intelligent design. He admires the movement’s founders and applauds their battles. But he is skeptical of creationists who see intelligent design as a battering ram that might smash down the constitutional doors and allow the Bible back into schools.

They are not a Christian movement, they are not about the Bible,” he says in his spacious corner office at the museum. “It’s not even against evolution, not really, because they don’t tell you what that intelligence is. It could open a door for Muslim belief, for Hindus, for New Age.

We are telling you unashamedly that the word of the Bible is the way.”

I support everybody’s right to believe whatever they want, but it’s often painful to endure their efforts to spread their ignorance and religious intolerance.

for further reading:

Ministry uses dinosaurs to dispute evolution
Cincinnati Enquirer, 5/22/05

Remembering 9/11


On this, the fourth anniversary of the 9/11 terrorist attacks against our country, it’s impossible for me not to reflect on it as the greatest of Bush’s many failures as President of the United States.

It’s been four years, and Osama bin Laden remains at large. It’s been four years, and America’s armed forces are dying every day, fighting in a country that had nothing to do with the 9/11 attacks against ours, but which Bush choose instead to invade. Now Iraq is a recruitment poster and training ground for new terrorists, eager to learn how to kill Americans there and anywhere else.

Today my memories are with the victims of 9/11/2001, and the loved ones they left behind. I only wish I could feel like their loss had been avenged, but it has not. We have failed them.



I remember when I was in the 8th grade, and for the first time gas prices climbed above $1 a gallon. A friend pondered the fact that for the first time, the rolling numbers for ‘amount’ would be moving faster than the numbers indicating ‘gallons’.

That would have made me sound old, if not for the fact that just a few years back we all enjoyed gas at 75¢ a gallon for a brief inexplicable time. So my kids have lived during less than $1/gallon times.

I’ve long thought, and still believe, that Americans are spoiled by gas prices that are cheaper than in most of the world. Maybe the rising cost of gas will force us to pay attention to energy issues, fuel economy, and public transportation.

Still, $3.01/gallon… ouch.

C’mon Irene

UPDATE: The Friday afternoon update shows Irene strengthening, but turning. My blog-hurricane prevention spell is working!!

Early Saturday morning we’re scheduled to set out for a week-long vacation in a beautiful beach house on the Outer Banks of North Carolina. Three families, consisting of six adults and nine kids (ages 3 – 14), will make for a full house. But it’s a big place, with lots to do and we’re sure to have a great time.

At least, that’s the plan. It seems Mother Nature may send along an uninvited guest, one of her daughters, Irene. As I write this on Thursday night, the National Hurricane Center in Miami reports that Irene is “continuing to gradually get better organized”. That’s how tropical storms become hurricanes I guess, they get organized, pack their rain and winds together tightly, and then get moving! The current track shows Irene will join us by 2pm on Tuesday.

What’s a traveler to do? We did buy the travel insurance to protect us in such a circumstance, but that only pays us back if we are faced with a mandatory evacuation while we’re there. I’m not yet as organized as Irene. I still have packing to do. Nevertheless, this vacation is on, and we won’t be turning back unless we have to.

So C’mon Irene, give us a break. As much you’d like to introduce us to such local customs as filling sandbags, boarding up windows, and listening to waves crash in the darkness of a power outage, we would prefer some sunny skies, gentle breezes and comfortable air conditioning, ok?

Not *that* W!


The Washington Post today had an article saying that some baseball fans of Washington’s new team, The Nationals, are choosing the alternate ‘DC’ logo hat rather than the standard ‘W’ logo version to avoid wearing the nickname of America’s worst President on their cap.

Nonsense I say!

When it comes to being a cap-wearing baseball fan, I’m pretty new to the club. And I’m a wishy-washy sort of fan who will swap caps as quickly as my whim suits me. The Cubs are hanging in at #1 on my noggin, and I got excited enough about the Red Sox amazing season last year to get a cap. But it’s hard not to root for the home team, especially when they’re winning, and so the Nats are climbing my list and I have a new Nats hat in my skull’s wardrobe. I wasn’t unaware that I’d be walking around with a ‘W’ on my head, but I won’t sacrifice a letter of the alphabet to that goof, never!

Certainly, years from now, right-wing revisionists will seek to rename the city of Washington after their ‘Dubya’, just as they renamed Washington National Airport for the Gipper. But today, anyone who looks at the red ‘W’ cap on my head and takes it as any indication of support for the President is stupider than he is. Besides, I’ve found my red hat opens doors with the red hat ladies!

In D.C., ‘W’ Spells More Than Baseball
Washington Post, 7/5/05

Virginia Race is On

Today’s Washington Post included an editorial titled “In Virginia, the Race Is On“, describing the need for serious debate between Gubernatorial candidates Democrat Tim Kaine and Republican Jerry Kilgore on fiscal and transportation issues.

Of the Republican ticket, the Post writes, “They promise new services without new revenue, offering, in explanation, fantasy coupled with wishful thinking.” Of Kilgore’s plan to require voter approval of any tax increases, they call it “a spineless approach to state governance and a sure-fire recipe for demagoguery.”

The Downing Street Memo


As Washington got swept up in the memories of Watergate and the recent revalation that ‘Mark Felt, then the number two man at the FBI, was the informant known as Deep Throat‘ who helped Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein break the story, it’s sad to reflect how little comparison can be made between journalists today.

More than a month ago the Sunday Times of London reported on a classified memo that revealed the Bush administration ‘fixed’ intelligence to suit their needs and build their case for war against Iraq eight months before it began. But with Tony Blair visiting Washington for the first time since the memo’s revelation, it remains essentially a non-story. Perhaps it’s because we Americans are just too jaded to care. We accept the reality that our War in Iraq was one of choice, rather than necessity. George Bush wanted to go to war in Iraq, he used 9/11 as his springboard, trumped up a case, and got what he wanted. And each day we read about the latest fatalities in Bush’s war in Iraq. is offering a $1000 reward to anyone who can get Bush to answer the question,

In July 2002, did you and your administration “fix” the intelligence and facts about non-existent Iraqi WMD’s and ties to terrorism – which were disputed by U.S. intelligence officials – to sell your decision to invade Iraq to Congress, the American people, and the world – as quoted in the Downing Street Minutes?

Don’t bet on any payouts. This administration is not capable of telling the truth, or admitting failure. Go ahead and tell me again about Clinton’s lies. He didn’t leave 1600+ Americans dead in his wake.

Read On With Hope:
The Downing Street Memo Story Won’t Die
The Washington Post, 6/7/05

The Washington Post reports today on the memo, and explains why the reporter didn’t earn the whole prize.

Seldom-Discussed Elephant Moves Into Public’s View
The Washington Post, 6/8/05

Christopher is Dropping

The Social Security Administration has released their annual listing of most popular baby names for 2004, and my own name, Christopher, remains among the top ten but has dropped from #9 to the last spot. In 1965, the year I was given the name, it was ranked 18th in popularity for boys names. But it was climbing, and by 1972, when I was seven, it had jumped four spots in one year, from 6th to 2nd place in the list. And for 23 years, from 1972 to 1995, Christopher held the #2 or #3 spot on the list, including a stretch of 16 consecutive years (1979-1994) at #2!

But in 1996, the slide began, two years in 4th, four years as #5, then three consecutive drops to #8, #9, and now to 10th. It seems apparent that “Christopher’s” shot at the top spot is quickly slipping away. What went wrong? Why did my name do so well for so long, but just couldn’t grab the gold medal!

Still, #10 is nothing to sneeze at. From 1880 to 1940 Christopher didn’t even break into the top 100 most popular boys names. The low point came in 1933 when it sank to #376. But from that point on it was a steady climb up the charts, until the recent long run at #2, and now the new downward trend.

None of my children’s names have ever reached #1 status. The strongest performer is ‘William‘ which has spent plenty of time in the top 10, but never reached the first spot. But Jennifer (my wife and sister’s name) owned the #1 spot for girls for an amazing 15-year run from 1970 to 1984. But all things pass, and Jennifer has now dropped to #38.

Oh yeah, the name that kept Christopher out of the #1 slot for all those years it was stuck at #2… Michael. But after 38 consecutive years at #1, Michael has now been stuck in second for the last six years. See how if feels Michael! Christopher will be back!

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