365 Days to Go!


A much delayed posting to correct an oversight, but I see that my ‘Bush’s Last Day’ category in my blog has no mention of the ‘One Year to Go’ party we had back in January. And since it’s never too late to fix history online, I’m adding this post in December 2008, to appear as if it was posted back in January 2008. How about that?! Check out the party photos here.

400 Days

Bush's Last DayThis morning I slept until noon, exactly noon. That’s late for me, even for a Sunday, but I think I know why I did it. Because at noon today the countdown on the time remaining for the disastrous presidency of George Bush ticked down to 400 days. Without forgetting for a moment how much damage this nitwit can still inflict on our country in that amount of time, it is at least something firm to grasp onto. Next month, reaching the one-year point will provide another major milestone, as attention will increasingly be paid to the race among those who will, hopefully after a legitimate election, earn the Presidency and begin the daunting, if not impossible task of undoing what Bush hath wrought. In the meantime, keep your eye on the countdown.

The Countdown to /BUSH

Let the countdown begin. Four years won’t last forever. Watch is pass, one day at a time in this entry, and in the right nav bar on this site. For the non-HTML savvy, </bush> is web code for ‘end of Bush’, and that’s what’s coming in four years (follow the ‘continue reading’ link to find the source code you can copy to add this countdown to your own site).

<script language=”JavaScript”></script>

<SCRIPT LANGUAGE=”JavaScript”><!– Original: Alan Palmer –><!– Web Site: http://www.jsr.communitech.net –><!– This script and many more are available free online at –><!– The JavaScript Source!! http://javascript.internet.com –><!– Beginvar date = new Date(“November 4, 2008”);var description = “&lt;/BUSH&gt;”;var now = new Date();var diff = date.getTime() – now.getTime();var days = Math.floor(diff / (1000 * 60 * 60 * 24));document.write(“<H3><center>”)if (days > 1) {document.write(days+1 + ” days until<BR> ” + description);}else if (days == 1) {document.write(“Only two days until<BR> ” + description);}else if (days == 0) {document.write(“Tomorrow is<BR> ” + description);}else {document.write(“It’s” + description + “!”);}document.write(“</center></H3>”);// End –></script>

Deleting George W. Bush

How to start your day with a positive attitude

1.) Create a “new folder” on your computer.

2.) Name it “George W. Bush”

3.) Send it to the trash

4.) Empty the trash

5.) Your computer will ask you: “Do you really want to get rid of George
W. Bush?”

6.) Answer — calmly — “yes” and press the mouse button firmly.

Enjoy your day!!

My Mac doesn’t go second-guessing me like this when I move a folder to the trash, but for the Windows majority out there, I can see why this would be a nice start to any of the remaining 55 days until election day

Thanks to Mathew Gross for the original posting where I saw this…

The Bush Retirement Countdown Calendar

80 More Days! To help remind myself that the end is fast approaching, and to urge myself to take some action every day between now and Election Day, I created a ‘George Bush Retirement Countdown Calendar’ which I’m making available here to anyone else who might want one to hang on your refridgerator door. (PDF Format)

George Bush Retirement Countdown Calendar - August 2004
George Bush Retirement Countdown Calendar - September 2004
George Bush Retirement Countdown Calendar - October 2004
George Bush Retirement Countdown Calendar - November 2004

In 80 more days we will FINALLY be able to correct what in my mind was probably the greatest crime against our country’s Constitution in U.S. History, the stealing of the presidency. Rather than count the votes in Florida, the Supreme Court decided, by a one vote margin, to take it upon themselves to appoint a President. I still can’t believe it really happened. Remember what Justice Steven’s had to say about that at the time?

Although we may never know with complete certainty the identity of the winner of this year’s Presidential election, the identity of the loser is perfectly clear. It is the Nation’s confidence in the judge as an impartial guardian of the rule of law.

Supreme Court Justice John Paul Stevens
Dissenting Opinion, Bush v. Gore, December 12, 2000

An now only 80 days remain until American’s can either step up and re-claim their vote and role in our Democracy, or we can say what happened in 2000 was OK and let the Court’s appointment stand for another four years.

So ask yourself, what have you done today to take your country back? And what will you do tomorrow?

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