Kicking Ass Online!

DNC DonkeyAccording to a report from Nielsen//NetRatings, is the fastest growing web site in the country.

I’d like to say it was because of the high-demand for the pumpkin patterns we’ve posted, but the truth is more obvious. With Election Day looming, people are gearing up for their long awaited opportunity to un-seat our current court-appointed President and they’re looking online for information about where and how to vote, and to find ways that they can help send Bush back to Texas. Fastest Growing Site
iMedia Connection, 10/25/04 Fastest Growing Website In America, 10/27/04

Shameful, Yet Shameless

Here’s a column that everyone should read from today’s Washington Post. The GOP’s Shameful Vote Strategy by Harold Myerson describes how the GOP no longer even tries to hide their voter suppression efforts. The good news is this will be the last campaign in which Bush is bothered by this whole ‘Democracy’ and ‘Vote’ business. Work for his defeat, or plan for the third term of Generallisimo El Busho as our self-appointed ruler for life. Yeah, I’m kidding… I think. But it could happen.

Sutton on Bush

Ward Sutton’s cartoons land truthful blows on George Bush with brutal regularity making it a must read for any comic-reading, freedom-loving, democracy-supporting reader out there, check out his strip The Sutton Impact in the Village voice. Here’s a recent example, Reasons to Vote for Bush

From that comic I found this great link to a first-rate Sutton flash animation, Schlock & Awe! Give it a watch, and then share it with a friend.

An Amazing Failure, Even for Bush

During his four year term as our court appointed President, George Bush has provided all too frequent examples of his incompetence; from turning record surpluses into record deficits, to starting wars with countries based on non-existent threats.

But today’s news that 380 tons of powerful explosives have gone missing from a weapons depot in Iraq is a startling blunder even for Bush. How much is 380 tons? On a radio report tonight I learned that it would fill 40 truck loads to move 380 tons of explosives! One pound of such an explosive can bring down an airliner, and we’ve given away 40 truckloads of the stuff.

George Bush led us to war against a nation to hunt for weapons and terrorists that were not there. And now that we are there, we’ve opened the door to the terrorists who weren’t there to begin with, and let them help themselves to the explosives that they’ll be using to kill American soldiers and civilians for years to come.

We shouldn’t be discussing another 4 years in the White House for Bush, we should be discussing the length of his prison term for gross incompetence. And they impeached Clinton over a blow job. Mind boggling.

Huge Cache of Explosives Vanished From Site in Iraq
New York Times, 10/25/04

Tons of Iraq explosives missing, 10/25/04

What Color is the Sky in their World?

The Program on International Policy Attitudes has released a report titled, The Separate Realities of Bush and Kerry Supporters that demonstrates something that many thinking people already know, that Bush supporters are seriously misinformed and hold beliefs that just don’t match reality.

– 75% believe Iraq was providing substantial support to al Qaeda.

– 74% believe Bush favors including labor and environmental standards in agreements on trade.

– 72% believe Iraq had WMD or a program to develop them.

– 72% believe Bush supports the treaty banning landmines.

– 69% believe Bush supports the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty.

– 61% believe if Bush knew there were no WMD he would not have gone to war.

– 60% believe most experts believe Iraq was providing substantial support to al Qaeda.

– 58% believe the Duelfer report concluded that Iraq had either WMD or a major program to develop them.

– 57% believe that the majority of people in the world would prefer to see Bush reelected.

– 56% believe most experts think Iraq had WMD.

– 55% believe the 9/11 report concluded Iraq was providing substantial support to al Qaeda.

– 51% believe Bush supports the Kyoto treaty.

– 20% believe Iraq was directly involved in 9/11.

Maybe not surprising considering the number of people, who like Bush himself, accept a belief that he is God’s choice for President. It’s the magic of pure faith… facts and knowledge to the contrary, you need not be shaken from your firmly held beliefs.

I’m not sure what’s scarier. An idiot with his finger on the button who thinks he’s fulfulling a holy mission, or the hordes who will follow him like lemmings over a cliff. It’s enough to make an agnostic like myself say, “Heaven help us!”

A Family Fight

A new category, Genealogy! I never figured my latest hobby and my passion for politics would cross like this, but look at this one (thanks to Political Wire)

I don’t figure they cross paths at too many family reunions, but George Bush and John Kerry ARE family (ninth cousins twice removed).

As it turns out, George has closer cousins who don’t support him either… Bush Relatives for Kerry.

Yard Signs & Free Speech

Like one is six other Americans, I live in a community that is governed by a property owner’s association. My association’s rules explicitly prohibit the display of political yard signs on private property within the community, and that’s just wrong. So with the help and support of some like minded neighbors, we have taken the debate online in an effort to inform our community about this unjust rule, and hopefully help bring about its demise. Check us out online at

Deleting George W. Bush

How to start your day with a positive attitude

1.) Create a “new folder” on your computer.

2.) Name it “George W. Bush”

3.) Send it to the trash

4.) Empty the trash

5.) Your computer will ask you: “Do you really want to get rid of George
W. Bush?”

6.) Answer — calmly — “yes” and press the mouse button firmly.

Enjoy your day!!

My Mac doesn’t go second-guessing me like this when I move a folder to the trash, but for the Windows majority out there, I can see why this would be a nice start to any of the remaining 55 days until election day

Thanks to Mathew Gross for the original posting where I saw this…

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