
Just six days to go, you still have time to plan a party. We’ll behaving ours on Monday, to ring out Bush’s last night in office and leave us Inauguration to shake off this eight-year hangover and enjoy the inauguration on TV (which is as close as we’ll be getting). Here’s a fun web site to help you plan your own Bush Bash for next Monday…


Scrap the Inaugural Invocation

Anyone who follows politics can’t have missed the current uproar over the announcement that Pastor Rick Warren will deliver the Invocation at President Elect’s Inauguration next month.

Rick Warren is some kind of mega-pastor with whom I was unfamiliar until the point of the campaign that he was able to command McCain and Obama to come and kiss his butt at a campaign forum hosted by Warren. I was embarrassed for both of them for having to do so.

I’ve read arguments both for and against Warren’s selection to deliver the invocation. GLBT advocates are understandably upset that such an advocate of the hateful Prop. 8 anti gay marriage bill in California should be invited to speak at the inauguration of the President for whom expectations of tolerance is so high. While the Obama folks say they are demonstrating that they can be civil to those with whom they disagree.

My personal feelings favor those who oppose his involvement. Obama’s supporters deserve better than this, and certainly a better message would be sent through the participation of a more tolerant individual to give the invocation.

But there is a better solution. Don’t include an invocation in the inaugural ceremonies at all. Let’s keep religion, any and all of them, out of our civic lives. I’d be very glad to hear our new President begin his term by telling all American’s what his plans are for addressing our many problems, and there’s no need to first listen to some doofus call out to the invisible man for help.

And for that matter, leave the bible out of it too. Put your hand on a copy of The Constitution while you vow to preserve, protect and defend it.

I’m A Lefty And I Like Obama’s Pick Of Rick Warren, December 18, 2008

Obama’s Inaugural Mistake
The Washington Post, December 19, 2008

Today in History – The Bill of Rights

On this day in 1791, Virginia ratified the Bill of Rights, becoming the 11th State to do so, and thus reaching the required 75% of states needed to ratify to make these first 10 amendments part of the Constitution. Well done founding fathers!

I recently read a great book about the drafting of the Constitution, Miracle at Philadelphia. There are many facts about our government that we learn and just take for granted, such as the formulas for representation in the House and Senate, and the inclusion of a ‘Bill of Rights. This book provided a fascinating look at the sausage making that took place as the Constitutional Convention WAY over-stepped their mandate by creating a whole new form of government, and how close they came to failing. Thanks to James Madison for taking such good notes during the process.

In 35 Days we’ll say good bye and good riddance to a President who has utterly failed in his job requirement to ‘preserve and protect The Constitution of the United States of America’. Thankfully, hopefully, the damage he’s done can be undone, and America will have learned how easily a government can undermine our guiding principles, and how vigilant we must remain to prevent it from happening.

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