50 Days

Marathoners50 Days! It sounds so wonderful to say, just 50 Days left until Bush’s last day in office. What a painfully long eight years it has been.

I have been in the midst of a MAJOR blog lull, I haven’t even posted in this category since the countdown was at 200 Days on the 4th of July. But the lull wasfor good reason. I was busy doing all I could to help elect that man who will replace Bush (and inherit the tremendous mess that he made), and was also training for a marathon (more on that later).

Getting through the election season was like a marathon itself, and happy each ended well. Eight years contains 2,920 days. Now there’s just 50 left. You do the math, but if compared to the 26.2 miles of a Marathon, we’re just inches from the finish line!

200 Days – Happy Birthday America!

Peoria R25Greetings from Glasford, Illinois! We’re here visiting my in-laws over the holiday weekend, and really enjoying the summertime change of pace. I’ve just returned from a nice 5.43 mile long morning run along country roads like the one shown here (without any stopping!), and now after some muffins for breakfast and helping Dad with some yardwork, I expect we’ll visit the old family farm this afternoon and find some fireworks to watch tonight. I have also done some good family hunting this week, tracking down many distant relatives of my wife’s in Glendale Cemetery in Washington, Illinois, and posting the results online at Find-a-Grave.

But the best part of all?? We only have to endure 200 more days of Bush!

275 Days

So I’ve found that here in my blog, on entries that are in this category of ‘Bush’s Last Day’, you are likely to see a nice graphic Google Ad for John McCain’s campaign. Please click on it and consider how a McCain presidency would essentially be a third term for George Bush. And if a third-term for George Bush appeals to you. Well, please, bite me.


Obama’s Online Fundraising

Since Super-Tuesday, Barack Obama has raised $5.8 million dollars online. I’m very glad to have used my little chart provided by his web site, and helped contribute to that total. Thank you to my friends and anyone else who helps with a contribution.

It’s Obamania! Keep it coming!

Obama Raises $5.8 Million Online After Super Tuesday
Bloomberg, 2/7/08

349 Days – Super Tuesday

There are 349 Days to go now until Bush’s Last Day, hang in there baby!

Today 22 States will hold their primary elections, making today Super Tuesday. We have a week yet before we get our turn here in Virginia, when we’ll be joined by Maryland and the District in voting on what I’ve heard called The Potomac Primary, and Chesapeake Tuesday (‘Potomac Primary’ turns up 1,010 results in Google, while ‘Chesapeake Tuesday’ returns only 596, so I guess that race is won). Good luck to all the candidates (ok, not really, just trying to be a good sport).

As you can see from my fundraising graphic, and the new sign in my yard, that I’ve made my choice. You can probably tell by the amount also that I’m not exactly yet having a big impact on Barack’s behalf. Hopefully that will change some over time. If you haven’t seen it yet, take a look at the ‘Yes We Can‘ video on Obama’s site. Powerful.

BTW, delayed congrats to the Giants. That was an amazing finish, and an excellent Super Bowl!

Groundhog Day & The State of the Union

This year, both Groundhog Day and the State of the Union address occur on the same day. And as it has been pointed out, “It is an ironic juxtaposition of events: one involves a meaningless ritual in which we look to a creature of little intelligence for prognostication, while the other involves a groundhog.”

Thanks to Alec for the laugh

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