365 Days to Go!


A much delayed posting to correct an oversight, but I see that my ‘Bush’s Last Day’ category in my blog has no mention of the ‘One Year to Go’ party we had back in January. And since it’s never too late to fix history online, I’m adding this post in December 2008, to appear as if it was posted back in January 2008. How about that?! Check out the party photos here.

Huckabee: amend the Constitution to Gods standards.

Holy crap! (or maybe ‘unholy’ crap!) This guy is scary…

Huckabee: ‘amend the Constitution’ to ‘God’s standards.’: “

At a campaign stop yesterday, former Arkansas governor Mike Huckabee recommended — to a cheering audience — that the Constitution be ‘changed’ to fit ‘God’s standards’:

I have opponents in this race who do not want to change the Constitution. But I believe it’s a lot easier to change the Constitution than it would be to change the word of the living God. And that’s what we need to do is amend the Constitution so it’s in God’s standards rather than trying to change God’s standards so it lines up with some contemporary view of how we treat each other and how we treat the family.

Watch it:


<script type=”text/javascript”> var flvhuckgodconst32024018870 = new SWFObject(‘/wp-content/plugins/flvplayer.swf?file=http://video.thinkprogress.org/2008/01/huckgodconst.320.240.flv&autoStart=false’, ’em-flvhuckgodconst32024018870′, ‘320’, ‘260’, ‘6’, ‘#ffffff’); flvhuckgodconst32024018870.addParam(‘quality’, ‘high’); flvhuckgodconst32024018870.addParam(‘wmode’, ‘transparent’); flvhuckgodconst32024018870.write(‘flvhuckgodconst32024018870’); </script>

Rawstory notes that in response, MSNBC’s ‘Mika Brzezinski was almost speechless, and even Joe Scarborough couldn’t immediately find much to say beyond calling it ‘interesting.’’

(Via Think Progress.)

400 Days

Bush's Last DayThis morning I slept until noon, exactly noon. That’s late for me, even for a Sunday, but I think I know why I did it. Because at noon today the countdown on the time remaining for the disastrous presidency of George Bush ticked down to 400 days. Without forgetting for a moment how much damage this nitwit can still inflict on our country in that amount of time, it is at least something firm to grasp onto. Next month, reaching the one-year point will provide another major milestone, as attention will increasingly be paid to the race among those who will, hopefully after a legitimate election, earn the Presidency and begin the daunting, if not impossible task of undoing what Bush hath wrought. In the meantime, keep your eye on the countdown.

Campaign Web Sites, The Morning After

I woke up yesterday, and realized that I had an opportunity. The opportunity to review some campaign web sites on the morning after Election Day, to see how many of them had yet updated their content. What I found was worse than I expected. I wrote it up in an article that was published today on the Personal Democracy Forum site…

Campaign Web Sites, The Morning After
Personal Democracy Forum

Election Day

It’s Election Day, and I have cast my vote. It’s an action that makes me both proud. But today I’m also sad and concerned at the same time.

I’m proud to be an American, and to live in a democracy where citizens have an critical role to play in our governance. I consider voting to be a civic duty, and I encourage others to do the same.

I’m sad to see major races on my ballot go unchallenged, with only an incumbent running, and happily holding their ‘safe’ seat. In a couple instances, I wrote myself in rather than vote for them. I’m sad because I’m reminded how our current President illegitimately gained the most powerful elected office in the world, and for all the harm he has done while in it. 441 more days, assuming he doesn’t pull a Musharraf/Putin and try to cling to power after his time is up. Given his record, it wouldn’t surprise me at all.

I’m concerned because our election system is in bad shape. For starters, Why Tuesday? That makes no sense at all. Why isn’t Election Day a national holiday? Or a multi-day event? I’m currently reading the book, Stealing Democracy, and it’s sobering to be reminded how gerrymandered districts, partisan election officials, and a patchwork of election eligibility/registration/voting rules can all be used to skew or determine an election’s outcome.

But neither my sadness or concern can overcome my hope and determination. They will move me to action and change. Please vote today.

UPDATE: Looks like most of the wrong candidates won here in Prince William, so you can add ‘discouraged’ to the above feelings. Silver lining, Democrats took control of Virginia’s Senate for the first time in something like 40-years.

Dick Cheney is Evil

cheney_tomorrow.jpgScary Evil. He exemplifies reckless disregard for the Constitution, and of any person or law’s ability to exercise any amount of oversight of his activities. Remarkably, he recently claimed that the Vice President’s Office is not an “entity within the Executive Branch”, and so is not subject to Presidential Executive Orders. Wha?? Well, to follow Cheney’s own twisted logic, this week Congress will vote to defund the VP’s office as an executive branch agency, leaving him to fend for himself as the President of the Senate. Personally I think Rep. Kucinich has it right with his plan to impeach Cheney first, because impeaching President Bush only to have Cheney become President would be like trying to put out a fire with gasoline, you’ll only end up in much worse shape.

This week the Washington Post is running an in-depth profile about Cheney and his machinations. It’s scary to read about the lengths this Dick will go to in order to subvert the law and pursue his un-American agenda. It’s something everyone should read. You’ll feel dirty and ashamed afterward, but you need to read it anyway.

George Bush is most certainly the Worst President Ever, but with the Evil Dick as his VP they have combined to be a catastrophe from which America may never completely recover.

Old Man OPO

Last week the Washington Post began a series of articles about Political Consultants, including a front page story last Friday about Internet Strategists. The Post dubbed them Online Political Operatives, or OPOs. It’s the first I’ve heard that title, it’s too soon to say if it will stick. But I did enjoy seeing some well-deserved attention being paid to a field of work I have been involved in for fifteen years.

This weekend I spoke at a training for political fundraisers in a session about online fundraising. The organizer introduced me with a brief bio, including the fact that the first online campaign campaign that I worked on was for Senator Kennedy’s 1994 Senate race.

Looking out at the room of young faces, my curiosity got the best of me. “Give me a show of hands”, I asked, “how many of you were in college in 1994?”.

A couple of hands in the back of the room went up.

“How many of you were in high school in 1994?”

Again, just a few hands are raised.

“How many of you were in grade school in 1994?”

A sea of hands reaches skyward.

My initial reaction was just to feel a bit old. But on reflection, it was really very nice. I’m glad to be an old man OPO and I hope I to continue finding opportunities to share what I’ve learned and learn something in return from the growing numbers of young fledgling OPOs out there.

Meet the OPOs
The Washington Post, 5/4/07

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