A Casey Playwright

A few months back, Katie had a school assignment that required her to submit a stage play to the Student 10-Minute Play Competition sponsored by the Arena Stage in Washington, DC. Katie has described her entry as ‘cobbled together’ from a couple of other pieces, and edited down to meet the time requirement. Her entry, Dream a Dream, was one of ten honorable mentions selected in the High School category from among a total of 595 entries.

Each of the honorable mention plays was performed in a reading by Arena Stage actors. I was there with the family video camera, and have finally got it online. So now, for the first time online…

Dream a Dream, by Katie Casey



logo_tommy.jpgIf you happen to have plans to be in Tokyo in March, be sure to add this to your calendar. From March 2nd through March 19th, you’ll want to be sure to catch the stage production of, Tommy, The Musical.

I’ve never seen the show yet myself, but that doesn’t prevent me from offering a rave review. How can I do that? Well, I know the conductor. Big brother Kevin (not Cousin Kevin!) will be the man behind the music, and I just know he will do The Who proud. Wish I could be there myself.

Miss Saigon

The musical Miss Saigon is currently at the Warner Theatre in Washington, DC, and last night we joined a group of neighbors and took in the show from some great seats front and center in the orchestra. It was a good place for us to be, considering our special fondness for the orchestra. You see, my brother Kevin is the conductor. So you must expect some family bias to show through in this review of their production of Miss Saigon.

The MUSIC WAS AWESOME! An obvious product of superior conducting. It was absolutely masterful.

If you’re don’t know the story, think Shakespearian romantic tragedy set in Vietnam during and shortly following the fall of Saigon in 1975. I’m not going to re-tell the whole tale for you here, go see the play, or listen to the soundtrack, and you’ll get the story.

A sad tale, great music, and an especially great conductor. Two thumbs, WAY UP!

Still don’t believe me? Check the Washington Post’s review:
Warner’s ‘Miss Saigon’: Mission Accomplished
The Washington Post, November 12, 2004