It’s a Web Page!


Colleen turned 10 last week, and it was an occasion for thinking back over 10 years of wonderful memories. I recalled that I had built an ‘It’s A Girl’ web page in advance, ready to use it to annouce the news of our new baby on the web (a blue ‘It’s a Boy’ page was also ready), and I wondered if I could possibly locate it.

And poking around old photos and files on my web server, I found it! Old web pages never die, they just become harder to find.

The ‘Back-to-School’ Cold

With three kids in school and a teacher wife, there’s one thing about the ‘Back-to-School’ season that I can count on, and that’s the ‘Back-to-School’ cold. Just thinking of the swirl of friendly new germs being brought home each day in the last week from Jenny’s students and the kids’ classmates is enough to make me reach for a kleenex. It hit Jenny first, and then moved to me. It really only slowed her down for a day, she soldiers on, but mine has moved from my throat to my head which now feels about ready to explode. The only question is, can I ride the cold out, or will it take root and grow into the dreaded sinus infection! I hope not.

Violent Femmes


Big bonus this weekend. My brother Kevin came down from the show he’s rehearsing in Philadelphia to catch the Violent Femmes at the 9:30 Club in Washington. I can remember exactly when I first heard the Violent Femmes. I was a freshman in college, and a buddy came home with me one weekend and brought along a new record he’d purchased by the oddly named group.

The show was great. Much fun. Thanks Vince for the intro all those years ago. I’ve been a fan ever since, and now I’ve finally seen them.


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