This morning’s Washington Post has an article titled “In Evolution Debate, Creationists Are Breaking New Ground” about a new $25 million ‘Creation Museum‘ that is being built near Cincinnati to promote the view of biblical creation of the Earth vs. Evolution.
Some tidbits…
“It holds that the world and the universe are but 6,000 years old and that baby dinosaurs rode in Noah’s ark.”
“But by any measure, Young Earth Creationism – which holds that the Bible is the literal word of God and that He created the universe in seven days – has a more powerful hold on the beliefs of Americans than evolutionary theory or intelligent design. That grip grows stronger by the year.
Polls taken last year showed that 45 percent of Americans believe that God created humans in their present form 10,000 years ago (or less) and that man shares no common ancestor with the ape. Only 26 percent believe in the central tenet of evolution, that all life descended from a single ancestor.
Another poll showed that 65 percent of Americans want creationism taught alongside evolution.”
“But often, scientists say, the creationist bottom line is a through-the-looking-glass version of science. The scientific method of theory, experiment and assumptions upended does not apply. Ask Ham if he could accept evidence that conflicts with his reading of Genesis – proof, say, that a fossil is more than 6,000 years old – and he shakes his head.”
“Ham is ambivalent on the question of intelligent design. He admires the movement’s founders and applauds their battles. But he is skeptical of creationists who see intelligent design as a battering ram that might smash down the constitutional doors and allow the Bible back into schools.
They are not a Christian movement, they are not about the Bible,” he says in his spacious corner office at the museum. “It’s not even against evolution, not really, because they don’t tell you what that intelligence is. It could open a door for Muslim belief, for Hindus, for New Age.
We are telling you unashamedly that the word of the Bible is the way.”
I support everybody’s right to believe whatever they want, but it’s often painful to endure their efforts to spread their ignorance and religious intolerance.
for further reading:
Ministry uses dinosaurs to dispute evolution
Cincinnati Enquirer, 5/22/05
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