Goodbye John, and Good Riddance!

John Ashcroft has resigned as the Attorney General of the United States of America. This is the guy who lost his race for re-election to the United States Senate to the late Mel Carnahan in 2000. Missouri voters preferred the dead Carnahan to the living Ashcroft, and they made the right choice. As George Bush’s Attorney General, Ashcroft initially ignored the threat of terrorism, and then following 9/11 used the fight against terrorism as an excuse to trample the Constution and shred the Bill of Rights.

So to say goodbye to John, tune in one more time to watch him sing his hit song, Let the Eagle’s Soar, not to mock him for his awful singing, but to celebrate his departure. Good Riddance.

for further reading: John Ashcroft from Wikipedia, John Ashcroft’s Patriot Games from Vanity Fair

The Countdown to /BUSH

Let the countdown begin. Four years won’t last forever. Watch is pass, one day at a time in this entry, and in the right nav bar on this site. For the non-HTML savvy, </bush> is web code for ‘end of Bush’, and that’s what’s coming in four years (follow the ‘continue reading’ link to find the source code you can copy to add this countdown to your own site).

<script language=”JavaScript”></script>

<SCRIPT LANGUAGE=”JavaScript”><!– Original: Alan Palmer –><!– Web Site: –><!– This script and many more are available free online at –><!– The JavaScript Source!! –><!– Beginvar date = new Date(“November 4, 2008”);var description = “&lt;/BUSH&gt;”;var now = new Date();var diff = date.getTime() – now.getTime();var days = Math.floor(diff / (1000 * 60 * 60 * 24));document.write(“<H3><center>”)if (days > 1) {document.write(days+1 + ” days until<BR> ” + description);}else if (days == 1) {document.write(“Only two days until<BR> ” + description);}else if (days == 0) {document.write(“Tomorrow is<BR> ” + description);}else {document.write(“It’s” + description + “!”);}document.write(“</center></H3>”);// End –></script>

The Nine Trick


Industrial accident,
or 9 x 7?

I’ve always been awful at math, just ask my checkbook. So I’ll gladly take any trick I can to cheat on multiplication tables. And weren’t nines the worst? No longer. At dinner tonight, my wife Jennifer (the teacher), solved that problem forever by teaching us the nine trick.

Here’s how it works; when multiplying by nine, hold up your hands and tuck down the finger that you are multiplying by (only works for single digits). The remaining fingers display your answer, with the digits on the left representing tens, and those to the right of the bent finger are ones. Nice. Where was this magic in the third grade when I needed it most?

Tell The World You’re Sorry

(photo from

Sure, 48% of us are still in mourning over the narrow defeat we suffered at the polls this week. But there’s a bigger burden that we bear. Our President is frequently referred to as “the leader of the free world”, and the power he wields leaves the rest of the world (free or not) subject to the consequences of his whims.

So, despite our best efforts, it’s certainly a reasonable and polite gesture to apologize to the world for our failure to remove the idiot boy President, and you can do just that with a photo sent to

thanks to Another Liberal Blog for the link


Voting Patterns by IQ & Income

update: consider this one debunked by

Take it with a big grain of salt *, because I can’t check the facts on the figures offered in these charts. But look at the correlations to be found here:

State Vote listed by Avg. IQ

State Vote listed by Avg. Personal Income

I’m glad to see my home state of Virginia near the top of the listed Red states. Perhaps there’s hopes for our aspirations to become blue after all!

Still, there’s little comfort to be taken from any conclusion that this election amounted to the triumph of the stupid and intolerant.

* DISCLAIMER: everything on the Internet is of suspect origin and questionable reliability. Be a skeptic. My favorite site for checking the facts on Internet facts, rumors and urban legends is I don’t find anything there specifically addressing these charts, but in time they might.

Thanks to Laura for the forward

Leaving’s Not So Easy

Harper’s Magazine online has a great article titled Electing to Leave that should be of interest to anyone who threated such action in the face of our current electoral outcome. Turns out, it’s not as easy as you might think. Renouncing your U.S. Citizenship and becoming a citizen somewhere else is a process that can take years.

Take heart and remember, the result was 51-48. Blue America is not as small as it may feel at the moment. Instead of fleeing the country, consider instead having an raising some smart kids in a Red state. It’s a slow but solid strategy for breaking the strangle of the ignorant majority.

thanks to Political Wire for the story

The Robot Bartender

A popular bar had a new robot for a bartender installed. It could not only dispense drinks flawlessly, but also — like any good bartender –engage in appropriate conversation.

A man enters the bar, orders a drink. The robot serves him a perfectly prepared cocktail, then asks him, “What’s your IQ?” The man replies, “150.” And the robot proceeds to make conversation about Quantum physics, string theory, atomic chemistry, etc. The customer is very impressed and thinks, “This is really cool.”

He decides to test the robot. He walks out of the bar, turns around, and comes back in for another drink. Again, the robot serves him the drink and asks him, “What’s your IQ?” The man responds, “100.” And immediately the robot starts talking, but this time, about football, baseball, cheerleaders, etc.

Really impressed, the man leaves the bar and decides to give the robot one more test. He goes back in, the robot serves him and asks, “What’s your IQ?” The man replies, “50.” And the robot says, “So, you gonna vote for Bush again?”

thanks for the joke Sis

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