Don’t Get Screwed Again!

Remember this one? In the weeks following the 2000 “Election”, it was one of the many jokes getting passed around the Internet. And why is it funny? Because it captured the nervous anticipation felt by the majority of Americans who didn’t vote for Bush in 2000 shortly after the Supreme Court placed him in office. Also, it’s always funny to say ‘Fuck’.

Little did we realize how fucked we really were.

By any measure, a very strong argument can be made that George Bush has been one of the worst Presidents in the history of the United States. From the moment our Constitution was shredded in the judicial coup that put him in office, he has done frequent and severe harm to our country, our families, our economy, our standing in the world, our national discourse. In just four years in office, George Bush has diminished America in profound ways that will take generations to repair, if they can be at all.

And if he were to win or steal another four years, then this picture won’t be as funny as it was in 2000. Because this time we’ll understand that it’s no joke.

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