Netflix Reads My Mind

So I’m currently reading the book “One Man’s Castle“, which describes Clarence Darrow’s defense of a black family that dared to buy a home in a white neighborhood in Detroit in 1925. It’s been a good read, and has peaked my interest in Darrow’s life and work. His defense of Dr. Sweet in Detroit followed shortly after his most famous case, the Scopes Monkey Trial, and I recalled that there was a classic movie starring Spencer Tracy as Darrow called Inherit the Wind and I set out to Netflix to add it to my rental queue.

But before I could enter the title to begin a search for it, I noticed that Inherit the Wind was there waiting for me on the front page of the site as my current top recommended movie from Netflix! (insert Twilight Zone music here… Do do do do…) Weird.

The Netflix explanation is that this movie was recommended to me because of my having rented and rated the following movies; Fail-Safe, The Bridge on the River Kwai, Marty, All the King’s Men, Stalag 17, Mr. Smith Goes to Washington, The Manchurian Candidate, and The Lost Weekend.

I can buy that, but the timing is still weird.

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