Video Flashback – Pinewood Derby

Here’s a flashback from the Casey video archives, the 2002 Pinewood Derby. Over the years I’ve participated in a half-dozen or so of these scouting events. Some kids show up each year with finely crafted hot-rods that their fathers have obviously put many hours of work into. I’m not that Dad. Even if I put many hours into it, I’m just not a woodworking type. And so typically, a night or two before the race, when the the task couldn’t be put off any longer, my son Will and I would hack our pine block into some kind of shape, get some paint on it, glue on the wheels and some weights and hope for the best. But in 2002 we found some inspiration by decorating Will’s entry with a sponsorship from my company,, and maybe that was what was needed (or maybe it was the well placed bolts in the passenger seat), because our close fourth place finish was our best ever in a Pinewood Derby, and only Ludwig Von could capture the feeling. Please excuse the herky-jerky camera work, the adrenaline was flowing strong and I just couldn’t keep still.

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