Chris Casey – The Collected Works

It has recently occurred to me that although I have done quite a bit of writing over the years, that my works are scattered all over the Internet and that no convenient starting point exists to lead to them all. Not that anyone else but me is likely to care, but I am my own first audience when writing, and allowing even just myself to review my best efforts is well worth the effort to create such a catalog. And if anyone else should appreciate this collection of my writings, well that’s a wonderful bonus. This will be a work in progress and I will add new discoveries as I find them, and whenever possible will link to or post a copy of the work.

Generally, my writings fit into four general areas; Professional Articles, Humor/Life Experience Stories, Genealogy and Opinion PIeces.  For the purpose of this listing, I’m considering only published articles, contributed book chapters, or article length items from my own blog that I think stand out and could be of interest to reader’s beyond my meager blog readership. I’ve written scores of blog posts, and tweets, too numerous, brief and not worthy of this list which is intended to include only more significant writings.

First among all items in this column has to be my book, The Hill on the Net: Congress Enters the Information Age , published in May of 1996. I wrote this book mid-way through my eight year career as a Senate staffer, and described how Congress as an institution struggled with and eventually embraced the use of the Internet as a tool for communicating with constituents. For four years after my book was published, I wrote periodic updates about Congress and the Internet.

If you read any of this stuff, I thank you and hope you enjoy it.

Professional Articles

Networks, Information, Engagement & Truth

20 Years Ago Today – Sen. Kennedy Announces 1st Congressional Website
/4/2014, ePolitics

Campaigning on the Internet: A Practitioner’s View (contributed chapter)
8/3/2010, The Electoral Challenge: Theory Meets Practice, 2nd Edition

CyberTed’s Legacy Lives On
8/31/2009, PoliticsOnline (now archived here on this blog)

Campaign Web Sites, The Morning After
11/3/2008, ePolitics

Viral Politics: The Power of e Campaigning (contributed chapter)

Top Ten Milestones for Congress on the Internet
5/4/01, American University Forum on Congress and the Internet

Net Campaign 2000 (contributed chapter)
1/2001, Elections in the age of the Internet, The Hansard Society

Lessons from the US (contributed chapter)
10/2000,  e-guide for parliamentarians, The Hansard Society

The Senate’s New Online Majority, Part II
4/1/1996, CMC Magazine

The Senate’s New Online Majority
10/1/1995, CMC Magazine

Washington Online
12/1993, The Journal of the Boston Computer Society

Humor/Life Experiences

8/8/2001, Casey Blog

Lesson’s Learned in a Rat Suit
6/26/1998, Casey Blog

The ATM from Hell
11/12/1995, Casey Blog


In The Baggage Coach Ahead
12/31/2007, Casey Blog

Where Victor Met Rose
5/1/2006, Casey Blog

Family Hunting: Three Levels of Info
11/17/2004, Casey Blog


My Right’s Aren’t A Matter of Address
1/22/2006, The Washington Post