This is the playground section of my web world. Here is where you'll find the things that don't fit anwhere else and that provide me, and hopefully you too, with some entertaining diversions.

Barry & The Bristolettes

If you aren't a Dilbert fan, then you've either never read it, or you are a pointy haired boss. Go now to The Dilbert Zone, Dogbert commands it!

Want to buy something from me, but you've already bought my book? Take a look at eBay and see if I'm currently selling something, you never know what treasure I might be offering!

Random Writings:

Made with Macintosh
Lara Croft
My video game glory days are far behind me, but I still enjoy a good game now and then. It's had not to enjoy being Lara Croft in the Tomb Raider series. The movie wasn't too bad either.

I'm a fan of Hunter S. Thompson, and my enthusiasm for his writing has been re-awakened by reading of the first volume of his letters, "The Proud Highway". Here's a good place to explore Thompson and his work online, The Great Thompson Hunt.